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Second digit: Liquid ingress protection
From: BONAD  Date: 2016-10-14 15:10:51

The second digit indicates the level of protection that the enclosure provides against harmful ingress of water.


Protection against

Effective against





Dripping water

Dripping water (vertically falling drops) shall have no harmful effect on the specimen when mounted in an upright position onto a turntable and rotated at 1 RPM.

Test duration: 10 minutes

Water equivalent to 1 mm rainfall per minute


Dripping water when tilted at 15°

Vertically dripping water shall have no harmful effect when the enclosure is tilted at an angle of 15° from its normal position. A total of four positions are tested within two axes.

Test duration: 2.5 minutes for every direction of tilt (10 minutes total)

Water equivalent to 3 mm rainfall per minute


Spraying water

Water falling as a spray at any angle up to 60° from the vertical shall have no harmful effect, utilizing either: a) an oscillating fixture, or b) A spray nozzle with a counterbalanced shield.

Test a) is conducted for 5 minutes, then repeated with the specimen tilted 90° for the second 5-minute test. Test b) is conducted (with shield in place) for 5 minutes minimum.

For a Spray Nozzle:

Test duration: 1 minute per square meter for at least 5 minutes[2]
Water volume: 10 litres per minute
Pressure: 50–150 kPa

For an oscillating tube:

Test duration: 10 minutes

Water Volume: 0.07 l/min per hole


Splashing of water

Water splashing against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effect, utilizing either: a) an oscillating fixture, or b) A spray nozzle with no shield.

Test a) is conducted for 10 minutes. Test b) is conducted (without shield) for 5 minutes minimum.

Oscillating tube: Test duration: 10 minutes, or spray nozzle (same as IPX3 spray nozzle with the shield removed)


Water jets

Water projected by a nozzle (6.3 mm) against enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects.

Test duration: 1 minute per square meter for at least 3 minutes

Water volume: 12.5 litres per minute
Pressure: 30 kPa at distance of 3 m


Powerful water jets

Water projected in powerful jets (12.5 mm nozzle) against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects.

Test duration: 1 minute per square meter for at least 3 minutes

Water volume: 100 litres per minute
Pressure: 100 kPa at distance of 3 m


Powerful water jets with increased pressure

Water projected in powerful jets (6.3 mm nozzle) against the enclosure from any direction, under elevated pressure, shall have no harmful effects. Found in DIN 40050, and not IEC 60529.

Test duration: at least 3 minutes

Water volume: 75 litres per minute
Pressure: 1000 kPa at distance of 3 m


Immersion, up to 1 m depth

Ingress of water in harmful quantity shall not be possible when the enclosure is immersed in water under defined conditions of pressure and time (up to 1 m of submersion).

Test duration: 30 minutes - ref IEC 60529, table 8.

Tested with the lowest point of the enclosure 1000 mm below the surface of the water, or the highest point 150 mm below the surface, whichever is deeper.


Immersion, 1 m or more depth

The equipment is suitable for continuous immersion in water under conditions which shall be specified by the manufacturer. However, with certain types of equipment, it can mean that water can enter but only in such a manner that it produces no harmful effects. The test depth and/or duration is expected to be greater than the requirements for IPx7, and other environmental effects may be added, such as temperature cycling before immersion.

Test duration: Agreement with Manufacturer

Depth specified by manufacturer, generally up to 3 m


Powerful high temperature water jets

Protected against close-range high pressure, high temperature spray downs.

Smaller specimens rotate slowly on a turntable, from 4 specific angles. Larger specimens are mounted upright, no turntable required, and are tested freehand for at least 3 minutes at distance of 0.15–0.2 m.

There are specific requirements for the nozzle used for the testing.

This test is identified as IPx9 in IEC 60529.

Test duration: 30 seconds in each of 4 angles (2 minutes total)

Water volume: 14–16 litres per minute
Pressure: 8–10 MPa (80–100 bar) at distance of 0.10–0.15 m
Water temperature: 80 °C

(The IPx6K and IPx9K levels are defined by DIN 40050-9, and not the original IEC 60529.)

Mechanical impact resistance

An additional number has sometimes been used to specify the resistance of equipment to mechanical impact. This mechanical impact is identified by the energy needed to qualify a specified resistance level, which is measured in joules (J). This has now been superseded by the separate IK code specified in EN 62262.

Although dropped from the 3rd edition of IEC 60529 onwards, and not present in the EN version, older enclosure specifications will sometimes be seen with an optional third IP digit denoting impact resistance. Newer products are likely to be given an IK rating instead. However, there is not an exact correspondence of values between the old and new standards.

Approximate IK equivalents to IP drop level

IP level

energy (J)

Equivalent impact



energy (J)

Equivalent impact




No test




200 g dropped through 7.5 cm



150 g dropped through 15 cm



200 g dropped through 10 cm



250 g dropped through 15 cm



200 g dropped through 17.5 cm



250 g dropped through 20 cm



200 g dropped through 25 cm




200 g dropped through 35 cm



500 g dropped through 20 cm

5[dubious – discuss]


500 g dropped through 40 cm



500 g dropped through 40 cm

7[dubious – discuss]


1.5 kg dropped through 40 cm



1.7 kg dropped through 29.5 cm




5 kg dropped through 20 cm

9[dubious – discuss]


5.0 kg dropped through 40 cm



5 kg dropped through 40 cm


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