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IEC61032 Children Test Finger probe 18
Name:IEC61032 Children Test Finger probe 18
Manufacturer:Our complete line of accessibility probes will allow you to determine compliance with all IEC, EN, UL, CE, CSA and other international safety Standards.
Product Description:

Basic Introduction:

1,According to Standard of IEC61032-1997 Figure 12 -Test probe 18 (small finger probe ? 8,6)

2, Children Test Finger (Children Test Finger 18) is necessary appliance for household and similar electrical appliance of against electric shock protection test.

Technical parameters

1,Knurled Finger Diameter:8.6mm

2,Knurled Finger Diameter:57.9mm

3,Head Radius:4.3mm

4,The Fist Handle Diameter:38.4mm

5,,The Fist Handle Length:101.6mm

6,The Second Handle Diameter:38.1mm

7, The Second Handle Length:451.6mm

Reference Standard:

IEC61032:1997 figure 12, GB4706.21-1997


The metal parts of the Test Probe can not touch the live parts or close to hazardous parts, plastic dam-board can not be entered .The reference standards are different ,please according to related standards on the detailed test . This shows is only based on IEC 61032 & GB16842

Note: Children Test Finger 18 is made of precision stainless steel, taking up and putting down slightly  when using, pay attention to maintenance

The extension of the handle represents the arm of the child.

And the handle is provided with an extension 451,6 mm long, and the probe should be applied with or without this extension, whichever is the more onerous condition.

Both joints shall permit movement in the same plane and the same direction through an angle of 90°.

This probe is intended to simulate access to hazardous parts by children of more than 36 months and less than 14 years.

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